"After just 1 month of using SkinRemide Silicone Neck Pads, noticeable results are evident. We highly recommend consistent application for up to 3 months to achieve lasting effects. Subsequently, regular maintenance is advised to keep the skin hydrated and maintain the positive outcomes." Application Tip - To continue using the pads for up to x15 after gentle soap wash, let it air dry and to avoid dust particles, place the pad in a clean, dry drawer while it dries.
"After just 2 weeks of using SkinRemide Silicone Chest Pads, noticeable results are evident. We highly recommend consistent application for up to 3 months to achieve lasting effects. Subsequently, regular maintenance is advised to keep the skin hydrated and maintain the positive outcomes."
"After just 2 days of using SkinRemide Facial Patches, this customer experienced immediate improvements in skin texture. It's important to note that individual results may vary, as the process of retraining underlying muscles takes time. We recommend continued use for up to 2-3 months to achieve lasting and noticeable differences." Application Tip - For stubborn lines overlap the patches to create a more rigid application.